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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Week Fourteen: Day Four

This will be another quickie...I tried posting yesterday, but had to stop after 4 sentences because I was being summoned for something.  It never ends!

So, my mornings have become less desirable for a "regular blog time" for me.  This has happened because Shaun started a new job.  This new job's hours are 7-4, which means he leaves the house before we get up (except Henry!).  The new job had to happen for a number of reasons, which will not be explained here, but I think the time change is going to be the biggest transition.  Truthfully, the mornings have been calmer...Shaun is not around, so everyone is more laid back.  He just tended to feel like he needed to "help" me out by making sure everyone was at least dressed before he left the house at 7:50 every morning.  The problem is we are a family of non-morning people and his yelling just made everyone go slower! 

All of this to say, I will try to blog each night again.  Detailing the days' food and exercise.  I will tell you I have altered the Scarsdale Diet a bit.  I already mentioned switching the food around a bit.  I also have added in a couple (maybe just one?) of recent grocery finds that I feel like are suitable.  I have learned of some snacks I really enjoy, and I know I will continue eating those in the future.  Carrots dipped in Laughing Cow Swiss Cheese, strawberries dipped in Honey Greek Yogurt (No fat!).  These are the only two I am remembering at this moment.  Ha!  I believe I mentioned the "non-morning person"? 

EXERCISE has become my new favorite activity!  Well, running has, at least.  Couch to 5k is going very well.  I completed Week 2: Day 2 last night and felt SO great afterwards.  I have been completing 2 miles and using one final lap as my cool-down.  Since I downloaded that "C25K mix", I have not been paying any attention to the time, but last night I almost go through the full 2.25 before the workout was finished!  That would be 26 minutes.  Nice.  Today I am meeting a friend to walk at the park...I was going to wait to do my run/walk today, but I really needed to get out of the house last night. 

Well, I will likely post this evening.  I have really been missing the accountability of this blog and the readers.  I have been staying on track, but just slacking a bit, as well.  Does that make sense?  Yesterday, for example, I took a bottle of wine to a party my mom couldn't attend...they had some hors' douvres (spelling?) there, and I just popped a couple of spinach quiches in my mouth without thinking.  I didn't touch the cake and it was very literally "a couple" of those quiches and I knew I was going to miss dinner because I was heading out to run...still not really "on plan".  And by "not really", I mean not at all!  Ha, ha. 

I hope you have a great day!!


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