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Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 1 of Cleaning Challenges...

Today I chose to clean out the closet under the stairs mini-playroom.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!  Here's a before shot...

Wow, right?  This is exactly what it looked like when I opened the door.  How on earth do they even play in there?  I will also say, however, I found some things that Shaun had "cleaned up" over the weekend...so apparently it was his catch-all room, as well.  Sigh.

Here's a shot during the process...thanks for the "help", kiddos!

They were all over me.  Especially about the things I chose to throw away.  Yeesh.

And, finally, here is the finished product!!

There is a kids coat rack I would like to hang up on the wall, but I cannot find any screws.  Also, I figured I should stop while the kids were playing somewhere else, so I could shut the door and hope they don't enter the room again today!  At least I have the pictures as proof, though.

So, day one wasn't awful.  I mean, it wasn't exactly fun, but still I feel very accomplished.  I am totally having a hard time not starting in on a 2nd project!  Instead, though, I am working on finishing up my trivia questions for tomorrow night. 

Have a great day!!  xoxo
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